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Class 2 - Year 2 and Year 3

In Class 2 we are Y3 and Y4 children. Mrs Ward is our Teacher and Miss Arthur is our Teaching Assistant

We are a great team and love our learning!


National Poetry Day

What a wonderful morning celebrating National Poetry Day in Class 2!

We learnt 'Don't' by Micheal Rosen and you can watch our performance below. We then used that poem as inspiration for our own poems.


In History our departure day saw us drawing and then making clay scarab beetles and designing Egyptian masks.

We loved our PE session with Mr Colley. We are developing our football skills this half term.

Autumn Term 2024

Departure Days!

To get our learning off to an exciting start we have enjoyed some departure days in Class 2. 

In Science we explored Dark as the absence of light by using dark boxes. It was impossible to see what Mrs Ward had hidden in the boxes until we were allowed to put a little hole in to let in some light. 

Summer Term 2024

Please explore our Curriculum Overview to see what exciting things we are learning each half term. You can also acces Class 2's homework project for this half term as well as the key vocabulary that the children will be using in their learning.

Beekeeper Visit

The whole school were so lucky to have a visit from William, a local beekeeper. This has been a wonderful addition to our curriculum, supporting our learning in science about plants and pollination as well as linking beautifully to our school Summer production of The Bee Muscial!

Here are some photos from Class 2's session finding out about bees.

Art and Other Faiths

Across the school we have been learning about other faiths through art. In Class 2 we have been learning about Sikhism. We learnt about the life of Guru Nanek and the lessons he taught Sikhs about how to live. We created this beautiful display of our work.


Spring Term 2024


New School Rules!

In school we have worked with the children to develop some new school rules. The children in Class 2 and 3 worked together to create fun board games to help the younger children in school learn what they might look like in action. They had lots of fun trying them out. 

History News!

In history we are finding out how lives have changed. We are particulaly focussing on the Victorian Era. We used a range of sources to find out how the lives of rich and poor people were different during this time. We created some 'news bulletins' to show what we had found out. We hope you enjoy them and learn some interesting facts!



This week we have also looked at the recipe for a soup that poor people in Victorian times might have eaten. We prepared it together and were surprised by how delicious it was!

Autumn Term 2023

Please explore our Curriculum Overview to see what exciting things we are learning each half term. You can also acces Class 2's homework project for this half term as well as the key vocabulary that the children will be using in their learning.

In our RE lessons we have been learning about what different religions believe about God and how they show their faith. 

As part of this we thought about the big question, "Where is God?"

We recorded our thoughts through poetry and artwork. It has made a lovely display in our classroom.

In Design and Technology Class 2 have been exploring wheels and axles. As part of this work we have designed and built cars and are now busy on our large scale project- A moving ferris wheel!!

Here are some pictures of our work so far. We will keep you updated!!

Summer Term 2023

Please explore our Curriculum Overview to see what exciting things we are learning each half term. You can also acces Class 2's homework project for this half term as well as the key vocabulary that the children will be using in their learning.

Spring Term 2023

Please explore our Curriculum Overview to see what exciting things we are learning each half term. You can also acces Class 2's homework project for this half term as well as the key vocabulary that the children will be using in their learning.

Here are some of the exciting things we have been doing this term.

In Design and Technology we have been learning about structures and stability. We researched what gave structures stability and tested out a range of ideas. We then used what we had found out to help us design and build our own chairs. The brief was it needed to be strong enough to hold a small teddy, (and could only be made from paper!) but we were so good at it we ended up testing it with weights. Some held 700g!

We had a wonderful Hindu experience day! Sunita came into our school to share with us the story of Diwali, help us create some wonderful rangoli patterns and to teach us some amazing dance moves. It was a great day, lots of fun and we learned a lot! 

In RE we have been thinking about how personal reflection can help us. We created wax lillies with our reflections on and floated them on the pool. Mrs Ward was very impressed with the grown- up way we approached this. Our reflections included our hopes for the futures, our worries and things we are thankful for. Class 2 showed they are all excellent listeners and value each others thoughts and ideas. They showed respect and kindness to each other.

Autumn Term 2022

Please explore our Curriculum Overview to see what exciting things we are learning each half term. You can also acces Class 2's homework project for this half term as well as the key vocabulary that the children will be using in their learning.

York Minster Trip

As part of our work in RE we are learning about different places of worship. We visited York Minster so we could experience a large place of worship and compare it to our local church of St Andrew's. The children were amazed and in awe of the size and 'fanciness' and loved exploring The Crypt and the museum that showed how the Minster has changed over time.


Class 2 love working with Mr Crooks from Sporting Influence! We have been working on invasion games, using tactics to avoid being caught. Mr Crooks helps us develop the language we need to describe what are bodies are doing and to explain the skills we are showing. We also work on our social skills during this time with rewards for respect, communication, teamwork and resilience. 

In guided reading Class 2 have been exploring the poetry book 'The Lost Spells' by Robert Macfarlane and Jackie Morris. We have worked hard analysising the book and took on the Jackdaw Challenge! This was a challenge to learn the poem off by heart and perform it. We did It!! PLease watch below. 


Class 2 - Summer 2022


Autumn Term 2022

Please explore our Curriculum Overview to see what exciting things we are learning each half term. You can also acces Class 2's homework project for this half term as well as the key vocabulary that the children will be using in their learning.


Halow Carr Gardens Trip

We visited Harlow Carr Gardens to support our work in science this term. We spent time closely observing different plants and their features, investigated the kitchen garden to see what food is grown in our country at this time of year and of course made time for a play on the park!

The children, as always, were excellent ambassadors for our school, displaying excellent behaviour and engagement in the activities as you can see from the snapshot of our day below. 

Some amazing homework challenges completed. I have had some wonderful European landmarks made from all sorts of things! Cressie also tasted food from all over Europe and reported back on them!

What a lovely way to kick start our Easter holidays! Jack brought in his pet lamb that he has been helping to look after at home.


Religious Education

As part of our work on what it means to be a Christian today we spent some time with Father Paul in St Andrew's Church. He took the time to explain the impartance of Holy Communion to Christians and how this is shared in church. Have a look at our photos that show our learning. We have used our knew knowledge to create a loveky disply in our classroom. 


We have started developing our gymnastic skills with Mr Whitford from Sporting Influence. We began by working on the extension of our limbs during travelling and making shapes. We then moved onto adding the shapes into jumps. Mr Whitford was really impressed with our focussed working and could see improvements in our control and extension even after a short time. We are looking forward to building up to using the large wall climbing equipment. 


Henry VIII Portraits.

As part of our work in History we have been learning about Henry VIII. We have looked at different portraits and discussed what information they give us about the King. We then had a go at creating our own. They are amazing! Please have a look at our Henry VIII art gallery below.

Autumn Term 2021


In PE this term we have been working with Mr Whitford from Sporting Influence. Linked to our science topic of Humans including Animals we have been developing our fitness skills and thinking about how exercise effects our bodies. We have done circuit work, measuring how our heart rate changes and challenging our own personal records in a range of fitness exercises. We have also enjoyed a wide range of games that develop our agility.






Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.

Class 2 - Year 2 and Year 3

In Class 2 we are Y3 and Y4 children. Mrs Ward is our Teacher and Miss Arthur is our Teaching Assistant

We are a great team and love our learning!


In History our departure day saw us drawing and then making clay scarab beetles and designing Egyptian masks.

We loved our PE session with Mr Colley. We are developing our football skills this half term.

Autumn Term 2024

Departure Days!

To get our learning off to an exciting start we have enjoyed some departure days in Class 2. 

In Science we explored Dark as the absence of light by using dark boxes. It was impossible to see what Mrs Ward had hidden in the boxes until we were allowed to put a little hole in to let in some light. 

Summer Term 2024

Please explore our Curriculum Overview to see what exciting things we are learning each half term. You can also acces Class 2's homework project for this half term as well as the key vocabulary that the children will be using in their learning.

Beekeeper Visit

The whole school were so lucky to have a visit from William, a local beekeeper. This has been a wonderful addition to our curriculum, supporting our learning in science about plants and pollination as well as linking beautifully to our school Summer production of The Bee Muscial!

Here are some photos from Class 2's session finding out about bees.

Art and Other Faiths

Across the school we have been learning about other faiths through art. In Class 2 we have been learning about Sikhism. We learnt about the life of Guru Nanek and the lessons he taught Sikhs about how to live. We created this beautiful display of our work.


Spring Term 2024


New School Rules!

In school we have worked with the children to develop some new school rules. The children in Class 2 and 3 worked together to create fun board games to help the younger children in school learn what they might look like in action. They had lots of fun trying them out. 

History News!

In history we are finding out how lives have changed. We are particulaly focussing on the Victorian Era. We used a range of sources to find out how the lives of rich and poor people were different during this time. We created some 'news bulletins' to show what we had found out. We hope you enjoy them and learn some interesting facts!



This week we have also looked at the recipe for a soup that poor people in Victorian times might have eaten. We prepared it together and were surprised by how delicious it was!

Autumn Term 2023

Please explore our Curriculum Overview to see what exciting things we are learning each half term. You can also acces Class 2's homework project for this half term as well as the key vocabulary that the children will be using in their learning.

In our RE lessons we have been learning about what different religions believe about God and how they show their faith. 

As part of this we thought about the big question, "Where is God?"

We recorded our thoughts through poetry and artwork. It has made a lovely display in our classroom.

In Design and Technology Class 2 have been exploring wheels and axles. As part of this work we have designed and built cars and are now busy on our large scale project- A moving ferris wheel!!

Here are some pictures of our work so far. We will keep you updated!!

Summer Term 2023

Please explore our Curriculum Overview to see what exciting things we are learning each half term. You can also acces Class 2's homework project for this half term as well as the key vocabulary that the children will be using in their learning.

Spring Term 2023

Please explore our Curriculum Overview to see what exciting things we are learning each half term. You can also acces Class 2's homework project for this half term as well as the key vocabulary that the children will be using in their learning.

Here are some of the exciting things we have been doing this term.

In Design and Technology we have been learning about structures and stability. We researched what gave structures stability and tested out a range of ideas. We then used what we had found out to help us design and build our own chairs. The brief was it needed to be strong enough to hold a small teddy, (and could only be made from paper!) but we were so good at it we ended up testing it with weights. Some held 700g!

We had a wonderful Hindu experience day! Sunita came into our school to share with us the story of Diwali, help us create some wonderful rangoli patterns and to teach us some amazing dance moves. It was a great day, lots of fun and we learned a lot! 

In RE we have been thinking about how personal reflection can help us. We created wax lillies with our reflections on and floated them on the pool. Mrs Ward was very impressed with the grown- up way we approached this. Our reflections included our hopes for the futures, our worries and things we are thankful for. Class 2 showed they are all excellent listeners and value each others thoughts and ideas. They showed respect and kindness to each other.

Autumn Term 2022

Please explore our Curriculum Overview to see what exciting things we are learning each half term. You can also acces Class 2's homework project for this half term as well as the key vocabulary that the children will be using in their learning.

York Minster Trip

As part of our work in RE we are learning about different places of worship. We visited York Minster so we could experience a large place of worship and compare it to our local church of St Andrew's. The children were amazed and in awe of the size and 'fanciness' and loved exploring The Crypt and the museum that showed how the Minster has changed over time.


Class 2 love working with Mr Crooks from Sporting Influence! We have been working on invasion games, using tactics to avoid being caught. Mr Crooks helps us develop the language we need to describe what are bodies are doing and to explain the skills we are showing. We also work on our social skills during this time with rewards for respect, communication, teamwork and resilience. 

In guided reading Class 2 have been exploring the poetry book 'The Lost Spells' by Robert Macfarlane and Jackie Morris. We have worked hard analysising the book and took on the Jackdaw Challenge! This was a challenge to learn the poem off by heart and perform it. We did It!! PLease watch below. 


Class 2 - Summer 2022


Autumn Term 2022

Please explore our Curriculum Overview to see what exciting things we are learning each half term. You can also acces Class 2's homework project for this half term as well as the key vocabulary that the children will be using in their learning.


Halow Carr Gardens Trip

We visited Harlow Carr Gardens to support our work in science this term. We spent time closely observing different plants and their features, investigated the kitchen garden to see what food is grown in our country at this time of year and of course made time for a play on the park!

The children, as always, were excellent ambassadors for our school, displaying excellent behaviour and engagement in the activities as you can see from the snapshot of our day below. 

Some amazing homework challenges completed. I have had some wonderful European landmarks made from all sorts of things! Cressie also tasted food from all over Europe and reported back on them!

What a lovely way to kick start our Easter holidays! Jack brought in his pet lamb that he has been helping to look after at home.


Religious Education

As part of our work on what it means to be a Christian today we spent some time with Father Paul in St Andrew's Church. He took the time to explain the impartance of Holy Communion to Christians and how this is shared in church. Have a look at our photos that show our learning. We have used our knew knowledge to create a loveky disply in our classroom. 


We have started developing our gymnastic skills with Mr Whitford from Sporting Influence. We began by working on the extension of our limbs during travelling and making shapes. We then moved onto adding the shapes into jumps. Mr Whitford was really impressed with our focussed working and could see improvements in our control and extension even after a short time. We are looking forward to building up to using the large wall climbing equipment. 


Henry VIII Portraits.

As part of our work in History we have been learning about Henry VIII. We have looked at different portraits and discussed what information they give us about the King. We then had a go at creating our own. They are amazing! Please have a look at our Henry VIII art gallery below.

Autumn Term 2021


In PE this term we have been working with Mr Whitford from Sporting Influence. Linked to our science topic of Humans including Animals we have been developing our fitness skills and thinking about how exercise effects our bodies. We have done circuit work, measuring how our heart rate changes and challenging our own personal records in a range of fitness exercises. We have also enjoyed a wide range of games that develop our agility.






Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.

Class 2 - Year 2 and Year 3

In Class 2 we are Y3 and Y4 children. Mrs Ward is our Teacher and Miss Arthur is our Teaching Assistant

We are a great team and love our learning!


Insert content here

In History our departure day saw us drawing and then making clay scarab beetles and designing Egyptian masks.

We loved our PE session with Mr Colley. We are developing our football skills this half term.

Autumn Term 2024

Departure Days!

To get our learning off to an exciting start we have enjoyed some departure days in Class 2. 

In Science we explored Dark as the absence of light by using dark boxes. It was impossible to see what Mrs Ward had hidden in the boxes until we were allowed to put a little hole in to let in some light. 

Summer Term 2024

Please explore our Curriculum Overview to see what exciting things we are learning each half term. You can also acces Class 2's homework project for this half term as well as the key vocabulary that the children will be using in their learning.

Beekeeper Visit

The whole school were so lucky to have a visit from William, a local beekeeper. This has been a wonderful addition to our curriculum, supporting our learning in science about plants and pollination as well as linking beautifully to our school Summer production of The Bee Muscial!

Here are some photos from Class 2's session finding out about bees.

Art and Other Faiths

Across the school we have been learning about other faiths through art. In Class 2 we have been learning about Sikhism. We learnt about the life of Guru Nanek and the lessons he taught Sikhs about how to live. We created this beautiful display of our work.


Spring Term 2024


New School Rules!

In school we have worked with the children to develop some new school rules. The children in Class 2 and 3 worked together to create fun board games to help the younger children in school learn what they might look like in action. They had lots of fun trying them out. 

History News!

In history we are finding out how lives have changed. We are particulaly focussing on the Victorian Era. We used a range of sources to find out how the lives of rich and poor people were different during this time. We created some 'news bulletins' to show what we had found out. We hope you enjoy them and learn some interesting facts!



This week we have also looked at the recipe for a soup that poor people in Victorian times might have eaten. We prepared it together and were surprised by how delicious it was!

Autumn Term 2023

Please explore our Curriculum Overview to see what exciting things we are learning each half term. You can also acces Class 2's homework project for this half term as well as the key vocabulary that the children will be using in their learning.

In our RE lessons we have been learning about what different religions believe about God and how they show their faith. 

As part of this we thought about the big question, "Where is God?"

We recorded our thoughts through poetry and artwork. It has made a lovely display in our classroom.

In Design and Technology Class 2 have been exploring wheels and axles. As part of this work we have designed and built cars and are now busy on our large scale project- A moving ferris wheel!!

Here are some pictures of our work so far. We will keep you updated!!

Summer Term 2023

Please explore our Curriculum Overview to see what exciting things we are learning each half term. You can also acces Class 2's homework project for this half term as well as the key vocabulary that the children will be using in their learning.

Spring Term 2023

Please explore our Curriculum Overview to see what exciting things we are learning each half term. You can also acces Class 2's homework project for this half term as well as the key vocabulary that the children will be using in their learning.

Here are some of the exciting things we have been doing this term.

In Design and Technology we have been learning about structures and stability. We researched what gave structures stability and tested out a range of ideas. We then used what we had found out to help us design and build our own chairs. The brief was it needed to be strong enough to hold a small teddy, (and could only be made from paper!) but we were so good at it we ended up testing it with weights. Some held 700g!

We had a wonderful Hindu experience day! Sunita came into our school to share with us the story of Diwali, help us create some wonderful rangoli patterns and to teach us some amazing dance moves. It was a great day, lots of fun and we learned a lot! 

In RE we have been thinking about how personal reflection can help us. We created wax lillies with our reflections on and floated them on the pool. Mrs Ward was very impressed with the grown- up way we approached this. Our reflections included our hopes for the futures, our worries and things we are thankful for. Class 2 showed they are all excellent listeners and value each others thoughts and ideas. They showed respect and kindness to each other.

Autumn Term 2022

Please explore our Curriculum Overview to see what exciting things we are learning each half term. You can also acces Class 2's homework project for this half term as well as the key vocabulary that the children will be using in their learning.

York Minster Trip

As part of our work in RE we are learning about different places of worship. We visited York Minster so we could experience a large place of worship and compare it to our local church of St Andrew's. The children were amazed and in awe of the size and 'fanciness' and loved exploring The Crypt and the museum that showed how the Minster has changed over time.


Class 2 love working with Mr Crooks from Sporting Influence! We have been working on invasion games, using tactics to avoid being caught. Mr Crooks helps us develop the language we need to describe what are bodies are doing and to explain the skills we are showing. We also work on our social skills during this time with rewards for respect, communication, teamwork and resilience. 

In guided reading Class 2 have been exploring the poetry book 'The Lost Spells' by Robert Macfarlane and Jackie Morris. We have worked hard analysising the book and took on the Jackdaw Challenge! This was a challenge to learn the poem off by heart and perform it. We did It!! PLease watch below. 


Class 2 - Summer 2022


Autumn Term 2022

Please explore our Curriculum Overview to see what exciting things we are learning each half term. You can also acces Class 2's homework project for this half term as well as the key vocabulary that the children will be using in their learning.


Halow Carr Gardens Trip

We visited Harlow Carr Gardens to support our work in science this term. We spent time closely observing different plants and their features, investigated the kitchen garden to see what food is grown in our country at this time of year and of course made time for a play on the park!

The children, as always, were excellent ambassadors for our school, displaying excellent behaviour and engagement in the activities as you can see from the snapshot of our day below. 

Some amazing homework challenges completed. I have had some wonderful European landmarks made from all sorts of things! Cressie also tasted food from all over Europe and reported back on them!

What a lovely way to kick start our Easter holidays! Jack brought in his pet lamb that he has been helping to look after at home.


Religious Education

As part of our work on what it means to be a Christian today we spent some time with Father Paul in St Andrew's Church. He took the time to explain the impartance of Holy Communion to Christians and how this is shared in church. Have a look at our photos that show our learning. We have used our knew knowledge to create a loveky disply in our classroom. 


We have started developing our gymnastic skills with Mr Whitford from Sporting Influence. We began by working on the extension of our limbs during travelling and making shapes. We then moved onto adding the shapes into jumps. Mr Whitford was really impressed with our focussed working and could see improvements in our control and extension even after a short time. We are looking forward to building up to using the large wall climbing equipment. 


Henry VIII Portraits.

As part of our work in History we have been learning about Henry VIII. We have looked at different portraits and discussed what information they give us about the King. We then had a go at creating our own. They are amazing! Please have a look at our Henry VIII art gallery below.

Autumn Term 2021


In PE this term we have been working with Mr Whitford from Sporting Influence. Linked to our science topic of Humans including Animals we have been developing our fitness skills and thinking about how exercise effects our bodies. We have done circuit work, measuring how our heart rate changes and challenging our own personal records in a range of fitness exercises. We have also enjoyed a wide range of games that develop our agility.






Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.

Class 2 - Year 2 and Year 3

In Class 2 we are Y3 and Y4 children. Mrs Ward is our Teacher and Miss Arthur is our Teaching Assistant

We are a great team and love our learning!


In History our departure day saw us drawing and then making clay scarab beetles and designing Egyptian masks.

We loved our PE session with Mr Colley. We are developing our football skills this half term.

Autumn Term 2024

Departure Days!

To get our learning off to an exciting start we have enjoyed some departure days in Class 2. 

In Science we explored Dark as the absence of light by using dark boxes. It was impossible to see what Mrs Ward had hidden in the boxes until we were allowed to put a little hole in to let in some light. 

Summer Term 2024

Please explore our Curriculum Overview to see what exciting things we are learning each half term. You can also acces Class 2's homework project for this half term as well as the key vocabulary that the children will be using in their learning.

Beekeeper Visit

The whole school were so lucky to have a visit from William, a local beekeeper. This has been a wonderful addition to our curriculum, supporting our learning in science about plants and pollination as well as linking beautifully to our school Summer production of The Bee Muscial!

Here are some photos from Class 2's session finding out about bees.

Art and Other Faiths

Across the school we have been learning about other faiths through art. In Class 2 we have been learning about Sikhism. We learnt about the life of Guru Nanek and the lessons he taught Sikhs about how to live. We created this beautiful display of our work.


Spring Term 2024


New School Rules!

In school we have worked with the children to develop some new school rules. The children in Class 2 and 3 worked together to create fun board games to help the younger children in school learn what they might look like in action. They had lots of fun trying them out. 

History News!

In history we are finding out how lives have changed. We are particulaly focussing on the Victorian Era. We used a range of sources to find out how the lives of rich and poor people were different during this time. We created some 'news bulletins' to show what we had found out. We hope you enjoy them and learn some interesting facts!



This week we have also looked at the recipe for a soup that poor people in Victorian times might have eaten. We prepared it together and were surprised by how delicious it was!

Autumn Term 2023

Please explore our Curriculum Overview to see what exciting things we are learning each half term. You can also acces Class 2's homework project for this half term as well as the key vocabulary that the children will be using in their learning.

In our RE lessons we have been learning about what different religions believe about God and how they show their faith. 

As part of this we thought about the big question, "Where is God?"

We recorded our thoughts through poetry and artwork. It has made a lovely display in our classroom.

In Design and Technology Class 2 have been exploring wheels and axles. As part of this work we have designed and built cars and are now busy on our large scale project- A moving ferris wheel!!

Here are some pictures of our work so far. We will keep you updated!!

Summer Term 2023

Please explore our Curriculum Overview to see what exciting things we are learning each half term. You can also acces Class 2's homework project for this half term as well as the key vocabulary that the children will be using in their learning.

Spring Term 2023

Please explore our Curriculum Overview to see what exciting things we are learning each half term. You can also acces Class 2's homework project for this half term as well as the key vocabulary that the children will be using in their learning.

Here are some of the exciting things we have been doing this term.

In Design and Technology we have been learning about structures and stability. We researched what gave structures stability and tested out a range of ideas. We then used what we had found out to help us design and build our own chairs. The brief was it needed to be strong enough to hold a small teddy, (and could only be made from paper!) but we were so good at it we ended up testing it with weights. Some held 700g!

We had a wonderful Hindu experience day! Sunita came into our school to share with us the story of Diwali, help us create some wonderful rangoli patterns and to teach us some amazing dance moves. It was a great day, lots of fun and we learned a lot! 

In RE we have been thinking about how personal reflection can help us. We created wax lillies with our reflections on and floated them on the pool. Mrs Ward was very impressed with the grown- up way we approached this. Our reflections included our hopes for the futures, our worries and things we are thankful for. Class 2 showed they are all excellent listeners and value each others thoughts and ideas. They showed respect and kindness to each other.

Autumn Term 2022

Please explore our Curriculum Overview to see what exciting things we are learning each half term. You can also acces Class 2's homework project for this half term as well as the key vocabulary that the children will be using in their learning.

York Minster Trip

As part of our work in RE we are learning about different places of worship. We visited York Minster so we could experience a large place of worship and compare it to our local church of St Andrew's. The children were amazed and in awe of the size and 'fanciness' and loved exploring The Crypt and the museum that showed how the Minster has changed over time.


Class 2 love working with Mr Crooks from Sporting Influence! We have been working on invasion games, using tactics to avoid being caught. Mr Crooks helps us develop the language we need to describe what are bodies are doing and to explain the skills we are showing. We also work on our social skills during this time with rewards for respect, communication, teamwork and resilience. 

In guided reading Class 2 have been exploring the poetry book 'The Lost Spells' by Robert Macfarlane and Jackie Morris. We have worked hard analysising the book and took on the Jackdaw Challenge! This was a challenge to learn the poem off by heart and perform it. We did It!! PLease watch below. 


Class 2 - Summer 2022


Autumn Term 2022

Please explore our Curriculum Overview to see what exciting things we are learning each half term. You can also acces Class 2's homework project for this half term as well as the key vocabulary that the children will be using in their learning.


Halow Carr Gardens Trip

We visited Harlow Carr Gardens to support our work in science this term. We spent time closely observing different plants and their features, investigated the kitchen garden to see what food is grown in our country at this time of year and of course made time for a play on the park!

The children, as always, were excellent ambassadors for our school, displaying excellent behaviour and engagement in the activities as you can see from the snapshot of our day below. 

Some amazing homework challenges completed. I have had some wonderful European landmarks made from all sorts of things! Cressie also tasted food from all over Europe and reported back on them!

What a lovely way to kick start our Easter holidays! Jack brought in his pet lamb that he has been helping to look after at home.


Religious Education

As part of our work on what it means to be a Christian today we spent some time with Father Paul in St Andrew's Church. He took the time to explain the impartance of Holy Communion to Christians and how this is shared in church. Have a look at our photos that show our learning. We have used our knew knowledge to create a loveky disply in our classroom. 


We have started developing our gymnastic skills with Mr Whitford from Sporting Influence. We began by working on the extension of our limbs during travelling and making shapes. We then moved onto adding the shapes into jumps. Mr Whitford was really impressed with our focussed working and could see improvements in our control and extension even after a short time. We are looking forward to building up to using the large wall climbing equipment. 


Henry VIII Portraits.

As part of our work in History we have been learning about Henry VIII. We have looked at different portraits and discussed what information they give us about the King. We then had a go at creating our own. They are amazing! Please have a look at our Henry VIII art gallery below.

Autumn Term 2021


In PE this term we have been working with Mr Whitford from Sporting Influence. Linked to our science topic of Humans including Animals we have been developing our fitness skills and thinking about how exercise effects our bodies. We have done circuit work, measuring how our heart rate changes and challenging our own personal records in a range of fitness exercises. We have also enjoyed a wide range of games that develop our agility.






Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.

Class 2 - Year 2 and Year 3

In Class 2 we are Y3 and Y4 children. Mrs Ward is our Teacher and Miss Arthur is our Teaching Assistant

We are a great team and love our learning!


Insert content here

In History our departure day saw us drawing and then making clay scarab beetles and designing Egyptian masks.

We loved our PE session with Mr Colley. We are developing our football skills this half term.

Autumn Term 2024

Departure Days!

To get our learning off to an exciting start we have enjoyed some departure days in Class 2. 

In Science we explored Dark as the absence of light by using dark boxes. It was impossible to see what Mrs Ward had hidden in the boxes until we were allowed to put a little hole in to let in some light. 

Summer Term 2024

Please explore our Curriculum Overview to see what exciting things we are learning each half term. You can also acces Class 2's homework project for this half term as well as the key vocabulary that the children will be using in their learning.

Beekeeper Visit

The whole school were so lucky to have a visit from William, a local beekeeper. This has been a wonderful addition to our curriculum, supporting our learning in science about plants and pollination as well as linking beautifully to our school Summer production of The Bee Muscial!

Here are some photos from Class 2's session finding out about bees.

Art and Other Faiths

Across the school we have been learning about other faiths through art. In Class 2 we have been learning about Sikhism. We learnt about the life of Guru Nanek and the lessons he taught Sikhs about how to live. We created this beautiful display of our work.


Spring Term 2024


New School Rules!

In school we have worked with the children to develop some new school rules. The children in Class 2 and 3 worked together to create fun board games to help the younger children in school learn what they might look like in action. They had lots of fun trying them out. 

History News!

In history we are finding out how lives have changed. We are particulaly focussing on the Victorian Era. We used a range of sources to find out how the lives of rich and poor people were different during this time. We created some 'news bulletins' to show what we had found out. We hope you enjoy them and learn some interesting facts!



This week we have also looked at the recipe for a soup that poor people in Victorian times might have eaten. We prepared it together and were surprised by how delicious it was!

Autumn Term 2023

Please explore our Curriculum Overview to see what exciting things we are learning each half term. You can also acces Class 2's homework project for this half term as well as the key vocabulary that the children will be using in their learning.

In our RE lessons we have been learning about what different religions believe about God and how they show their faith. 

As part of this we thought about the big question, "Where is God?"

We recorded our thoughts through poetry and artwork. It has made a lovely display in our classroom.

In Design and Technology Class 2 have been exploring wheels and axles. As part of this work we have designed and built cars and are now busy on our large scale project- A moving ferris wheel!!

Here are some pictures of our work so far. We will keep you updated!!

Summer Term 2023

Please explore our Curriculum Overview to see what exciting things we are learning each half term. You can also acces Class 2's homework project for this half term as well as the key vocabulary that the children will be using in their learning.

Spring Term 2023

Please explore our Curriculum Overview to see what exciting things we are learning each half term. You can also acces Class 2's homework project for this half term as well as the key vocabulary that the children will be using in their learning.

Here are some of the exciting things we have been doing this term.

In Design and Technology we have been learning about structures and stability. We researched what gave structures stability and tested out a range of ideas. We then used what we had found out to help us design and build our own chairs. The brief was it needed to be strong enough to hold a small teddy, (and could only be made from paper!) but we were so good at it we ended up testing it with weights. Some held 700g!

We had a wonderful Hindu experience day! Sunita came into our school to share with us the story of Diwali, help us create some wonderful rangoli patterns and to teach us some amazing dance moves. It was a great day, lots of fun and we learned a lot! 

In RE we have been thinking about how personal reflection can help us. We created wax lillies with our reflections on and floated them on the pool. Mrs Ward was very impressed with the grown- up way we approached this. Our reflections included our hopes for the futures, our worries and things we are thankful for. Class 2 showed they are all excellent listeners and value each others thoughts and ideas. They showed respect and kindness to each other.

Autumn Term 2022

Please explore our Curriculum Overview to see what exciting things we are learning each half term. You can also acces Class 2's homework project for this half term as well as the key vocabulary that the children will be using in their learning.

York Minster Trip

As part of our work in RE we are learning about different places of worship. We visited York Minster so we could experience a large place of worship and compare it to our local church of St Andrew's. The children were amazed and in awe of the size and 'fanciness' and loved exploring The Crypt and the museum that showed how the Minster has changed over time.


Class 2 love working with Mr Crooks from Sporting Influence! We have been working on invasion games, using tactics to avoid being caught. Mr Crooks helps us develop the language we need to describe what are bodies are doing and to explain the skills we are showing. We also work on our social skills during this time with rewards for respect, communication, teamwork and resilience. 

In guided reading Class 2 have been exploring the poetry book 'The Lost Spells' by Robert Macfarlane and Jackie Morris. We have worked hard analysising the book and took on the Jackdaw Challenge! This was a challenge to learn the poem off by heart and perform it. We did It!! PLease watch below. 


Class 2 - Summer 2022


Autumn Term 2022

Please explore our Curriculum Overview to see what exciting things we are learning each half term. You can also acces Class 2's homework project for this half term as well as the key vocabulary that the children will be using in their learning.


Halow Carr Gardens Trip

We visited Harlow Carr Gardens to support our work in science this term. We spent time closely observing different plants and their features, investigated the kitchen garden to see what food is grown in our country at this time of year and of course made time for a play on the park!

The children, as always, were excellent ambassadors for our school, displaying excellent behaviour and engagement in the activities as you can see from the snapshot of our day below. 

Some amazing homework challenges completed. I have had some wonderful European landmarks made from all sorts of things! Cressie also tasted food from all over Europe and reported back on them!

What a lovely way to kick start our Easter holidays! Jack brought in his pet lamb that he has been helping to look after at home.


Religious Education

As part of our work on what it means to be a Christian today we spent some time with Father Paul in St Andrew's Church. He took the time to explain the impartance of Holy Communion to Christians and how this is shared in church. Have a look at our photos that show our learning. We have used our knew knowledge to create a loveky disply in our classroom. 


We have started developing our gymnastic skills with Mr Whitford from Sporting Influence. We began by working on the extension of our limbs during travelling and making shapes. We then moved onto adding the shapes into jumps. Mr Whitford was really impressed with our focussed working and could see improvements in our control and extension even after a short time. We are looking forward to building up to using the large wall climbing equipment. 


Henry VIII Portraits.

As part of our work in History we have been learning about Henry VIII. We have looked at different portraits and discussed what information they give us about the King. We then had a go at creating our own. They are amazing! Please have a look at our Henry VIII art gallery below.

Autumn Term 2021


In PE this term we have been working with Mr Whitford from Sporting Influence. Linked to our science topic of Humans including Animals we have been developing our fitness skills and thinking about how exercise effects our bodies. We have done circuit work, measuring how our heart rate changes and challenging our own personal records in a range of fitness exercises. We have also enjoyed a wide range of games that develop our agility.






Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.

Class 2 - Year 2 and Year 3

In Class 2 we are Y3 and Y4 children. Mrs Ward is our Teacher and Miss Arthur is our Teaching Assistant

We are a great team and love our learning!


In History our departure day saw us drawing and then making clay scarab beetles and designing Egyptian masks.

We loved our PE session with Mr Colley. We are developing our football skills this half term.

Autumn Term 2024

Departure Days!

To get our learning off to an exciting start we have enjoyed some departure days in Class 2. 

In Science we explored Dark as the absence of light by using dark boxes. It was impossible to see what Mrs Ward had hidden in the boxes until we were allowed to put a little hole in to let in some light. 

Summer Term 2024

Please explore our Curriculum Overview to see what exciting things we are learning each half term. You can also acces Class 2's homework project for this half term as well as the key vocabulary that the children will be using in their learning.

Beekeeper Visit

The whole school were so lucky to have a visit from William, a local beekeeper. This has been a wonderful addition to our curriculum, supporting our learning in science about plants and pollination as well as linking beautifully to our school Summer production of The Bee Muscial!

Here are some photos from Class 2's session finding out about bees.

Art and Other Faiths

Across the school we have been learning about other faiths through art. In Class 2 we have been learning about Sikhism. We learnt about the life of Guru Nanek and the lessons he taught Sikhs about how to live. We created this beautiful display of our work.


Spring Term 2024


New School Rules!

In school we have worked with the children to develop some new school rules. The children in Class 2 and 3 worked together to create fun board games to help the younger children in school learn what they might look like in action. They had lots of fun trying them out. 

History News!

In history we are finding out how lives have changed. We are particulaly focussing on the Victorian Era. We used a range of sources to find out how the lives of rich and poor people were different during this time. We created some 'news bulletins' to show what we had found out. We hope you enjoy them and learn some interesting facts!



This week we have also looked at the recipe for a soup that poor people in Victorian times might have eaten. We prepared it together and were surprised by how delicious it was!

Autumn Term 2023

Please explore our Curriculum Overview to see what exciting things we are learning each half term. You can also acces Class 2's homework project for this half term as well as the key vocabulary that the children will be using in their learning.

In our RE lessons we have been learning about what different religions believe about God and how they show their faith. 

As part of this we thought about the big question, "Where is God?"

We recorded our thoughts through poetry and artwork. It has made a lovely display in our classroom.

In Design and Technology Class 2 have been exploring wheels and axles. As part of this work we have designed and built cars and are now busy on our large scale project- A moving ferris wheel!!

Here are some pictures of our work so far. We will keep you updated!!

Summer Term 2023

Please explore our Curriculum Overview to see what exciting things we are learning each half term. You can also acces Class 2's homework project for this half term as well as the key vocabulary that the children will be using in their learning.

Spring Term 2023

Please explore our Curriculum Overview to see what exciting things we are learning each half term. You can also acces Class 2's homework project for this half term as well as the key vocabulary that the children will be using in their learning.

Here are some of the exciting things we have been doing this term.

In Design and Technology we have been learning about structures and stability. We researched what gave structures stability and tested out a range of ideas. We then used what we had found out to help us design and build our own chairs. The brief was it needed to be strong enough to hold a small teddy, (and could only be made from paper!) but we were so good at it we ended up testing it with weights. Some held 700g!

We had a wonderful Hindu experience day! Sunita came into our school to share with us the story of Diwali, help us create some wonderful rangoli patterns and to teach us some amazing dance moves. It was a great day, lots of fun and we learned a lot! 

In RE we have been thinking about how personal reflection can help us. We created wax lillies with our reflections on and floated them on the pool. Mrs Ward was very impressed with the grown- up way we approached this. Our reflections included our hopes for the futures, our worries and things we are thankful for. Class 2 showed they are all excellent listeners and value each others thoughts and ideas. They showed respect and kindness to each other.

Autumn Term 2022

Please explore our Curriculum Overview to see what exciting things we are learning each half term. You can also acces Class 2's homework project for this half term as well as the key vocabulary that the children will be using in their learning.

York Minster Trip

As part of our work in RE we are learning about different places of worship. We visited York Minster so we could experience a large place of worship and compare it to our local church of St Andrew's. The children were amazed and in awe of the size and 'fanciness' and loved exploring The Crypt and the museum that showed how the Minster has changed over time.


Class 2 love working with Mr Crooks from Sporting Influence! We have been working on invasion games, using tactics to avoid being caught. Mr Crooks helps us develop the language we need to describe what are bodies are doing and to explain the skills we are showing. We also work on our social skills during this time with rewards for respect, communication, teamwork and resilience. 

In guided reading Class 2 have been exploring the poetry book 'The Lost Spells' by Robert Macfarlane and Jackie Morris. We have worked hard analysising the book and took on the Jackdaw Challenge! This was a challenge to learn the poem off by heart and perform it. We did It!! PLease watch below. 


Class 2 - Summer 2022


Autumn Term 2022

Please explore our Curriculum Overview to see what exciting things we are learning each half term. You can also acces Class 2's homework project for this half term as well as the key vocabulary that the children will be using in their learning.


Halow Carr Gardens Trip

We visited Harlow Carr Gardens to support our work in science this term. We spent time closely observing different plants and their features, investigated the kitchen garden to see what food is grown in our country at this time of year and of course made time for a play on the park!

The children, as always, were excellent ambassadors for our school, displaying excellent behaviour and engagement in the activities as you can see from the snapshot of our day below. 

Some amazing homework challenges completed. I have had some wonderful European landmarks made from all sorts of things! Cressie also tasted food from all over Europe and reported back on them!

What a lovely way to kick start our Easter holidays! Jack brought in his pet lamb that he has been helping to look after at home.


Religious Education

As part of our work on what it means to be a Christian today we spent some time with Father Paul in St Andrew's Church. He took the time to explain the impartance of Holy Communion to Christians and how this is shared in church. Have a look at our photos that show our learning. We have used our knew knowledge to create a loveky disply in our classroom. 


We have started developing our gymnastic skills with Mr Whitford from Sporting Influence. We began by working on the extension of our limbs during travelling and making shapes. We then moved onto adding the shapes into jumps. Mr Whitford was really impressed with our focussed working and could see improvements in our control and extension even after a short time. We are looking forward to building up to using the large wall climbing equipment. 


Henry VIII Portraits.

As part of our work in History we have been learning about Henry VIII. We have looked at different portraits and discussed what information they give us about the King. We then had a go at creating our own. They are amazing! Please have a look at our Henry VIII art gallery below.

Autumn Term 2021


In PE this term we have been working with Mr Whitford from Sporting Influence. Linked to our science topic of Humans including Animals we have been developing our fitness skills and thinking about how exercise effects our bodies. We have done circuit work, measuring how our heart rate changes and challenging our own personal records in a range of fitness exercises. We have also enjoyed a wide range of games that develop our agility.






Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.

Class 2 - Year 2 and Year 3

In Class 2 we are Y3 and Y4 children. Mrs Ward is our Teacher and Miss Arthur is our Teaching Assistant

We are a great team and love our learning!


Insert content here

In History our departure day saw us drawing and then making clay scarab beetles and designing Egyptian masks.

We loved our PE session with Mr Colley. We are developing our football skills this half term.

Autumn Term 2024

Departure Days!

To get our learning off to an exciting start we have enjoyed some departure days in Class 2. 

In Science we explored Dark as the absence of light by using dark boxes. It was impossible to see what Mrs Ward had hidden in the boxes until we were allowed to put a little hole in to let in some light. 

Summer Term 2024

Please explore our Curriculum Overview to see what exciting things we are learning each half term. You can also acces Class 2's homework project for this half term as well as the key vocabulary that the children will be using in their learning.

Beekeeper Visit

The whole school were so lucky to have a visit from William, a local beekeeper. This has been a wonderful addition to our curriculum, supporting our learning in science about plants and pollination as well as linking beautifully to our school Summer production of The Bee Muscial!

Here are some photos from Class 2's session finding out about bees.

Art and Other Faiths

Across the school we have been learning about other faiths through art. In Class 2 we have been learning about Sikhism. We learnt about the life of Guru Nanek and the lessons he taught Sikhs about how to live. We created this beautiful display of our work.


Spring Term 2024


New School Rules!

In school we have worked with the children to develop some new school rules. The children in Class 2 and 3 worked together to create fun board games to help the younger children in school learn what they might look like in action. They had lots of fun trying them out. 

History News!

In history we are finding out how lives have changed. We are particulaly focussing on the Victorian Era. We used a range of sources to find out how the lives of rich and poor people were different during this time. We created some 'news bulletins' to show what we had found out. We hope you enjoy them and learn some interesting facts!



This week we have also looked at the recipe for a soup that poor people in Victorian times might have eaten. We prepared it together and were surprised by how delicious it was!

Autumn Term 2023

Please explore our Curriculum Overview to see what exciting things we are learning each half term. You can also acces Class 2's homework project for this half term as well as the key vocabulary that the children will be using in their learning.

In our RE lessons we have been learning about what different religions believe about God and how they show their faith. 

As part of this we thought about the big question, "Where is God?"

We recorded our thoughts through poetry and artwork. It has made a lovely display in our classroom.

In Design and Technology Class 2 have been exploring wheels and axles. As part of this work we have designed and built cars and are now busy on our large scale project- A moving ferris wheel!!

Here are some pictures of our work so far. We will keep you updated!!

Summer Term 2023

Please explore our Curriculum Overview to see what exciting things we are learning each half term. You can also acces Class 2's homework project for this half term as well as the key vocabulary that the children will be using in their learning.

Spring Term 2023

Please explore our Curriculum Overview to see what exciting things we are learning each half term. You can also acces Class 2's homework project for this half term as well as the key vocabulary that the children will be using in their learning.

Here are some of the exciting things we have been doing this term.

In Design and Technology we have been learning about structures and stability. We researched what gave structures stability and tested out a range of ideas. We then used what we had found out to help us design and build our own chairs. The brief was it needed to be strong enough to hold a small teddy, (and could only be made from paper!) but we were so good at it we ended up testing it with weights. Some held 700g!

We had a wonderful Hindu experience day! Sunita came into our school to share with us the story of Diwali, help us create some wonderful rangoli patterns and to teach us some amazing dance moves. It was a great day, lots of fun and we learned a lot! 

In RE we have been thinking about how personal reflection can help us. We created wax lillies with our reflections on and floated them on the pool. Mrs Ward was very impressed with the grown- up way we approached this. Our reflections included our hopes for the futures, our worries and things we are thankful for. Class 2 showed they are all excellent listeners and value each others thoughts and ideas. They showed respect and kindness to each other.

Autumn Term 2022

Please explore our Curriculum Overview to see what exciting things we are learning each half term. You can also acces Class 2's homework project for this half term as well as the key vocabulary that the children will be using in their learning.

York Minster Trip

As part of our work in RE we are learning about different places of worship. We visited York Minster so we could experience a large place of worship and compare it to our local church of St Andrew's. The children were amazed and in awe of the size and 'fanciness' and loved exploring The Crypt and the museum that showed how the Minster has changed over time.


Class 2 love working with Mr Crooks from Sporting Influence! We have been working on invasion games, using tactics to avoid being caught. Mr Crooks helps us develop the language we need to describe what are bodies are doing and to explain the skills we are showing. We also work on our social skills during this time with rewards for respect, communication, teamwork and resilience. 

In guided reading Class 2 have been exploring the poetry book 'The Lost Spells' by Robert Macfarlane and Jackie Morris. We have worked hard analysising the book and took on the Jackdaw Challenge! This was a challenge to learn the poem off by heart and perform it. We did It!! PLease watch below. 


Class 2 - Summer 2022


Autumn Term 2022

Please explore our Curriculum Overview to see what exciting things we are learning each half term. You can also acces Class 2's homework project for this half term as well as the key vocabulary that the children will be using in their learning.


Halow Carr Gardens Trip

We visited Harlow Carr Gardens to support our work in science this term. We spent time closely observing different plants and their features, investigated the kitchen garden to see what food is grown in our country at this time of year and of course made time for a play on the park!

The children, as always, were excellent ambassadors for our school, displaying excellent behaviour and engagement in the activities as you can see from the snapshot of our day below. 

Some amazing homework challenges completed. I have had some wonderful European landmarks made from all sorts of things! Cressie also tasted food from all over Europe and reported back on them!

What a lovely way to kick start our Easter holidays! Jack brought in his pet lamb that he has been helping to look after at home.


Religious Education

As part of our work on what it means to be a Christian today we spent some time with Father Paul in St Andrew's Church. He took the time to explain the impartance of Holy Communion to Christians and how this is shared in church. Have a look at our photos that show our learning. We have used our knew knowledge to create a loveky disply in our classroom. 


We have started developing our gymnastic skills with Mr Whitford from Sporting Influence. We began by working on the extension of our limbs during travelling and making shapes. We then moved onto adding the shapes into jumps. Mr Whitford was really impressed with our focussed working and could see improvements in our control and extension even after a short time. We are looking forward to building up to using the large wall climbing equipment. 


Henry VIII Portraits.

As part of our work in History we have been learning about Henry VIII. We have looked at different portraits and discussed what information they give us about the King. We then had a go at creating our own. They are amazing! Please have a look at our Henry VIII art gallery below.

Autumn Term 2021


In PE this term we have been working with Mr Whitford from Sporting Influence. Linked to our science topic of Humans including Animals we have been developing our fitness skills and thinking about how exercise effects our bodies. We have done circuit work, measuring how our heart rate changes and challenging our own personal records in a range of fitness exercises. We have also enjoyed a wide range of games that develop our agility.






Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.

Class 2 - Year 2 and Year 3

In Class 2 we are Y3 and Y4 children. Mrs Ward is our Teacher and Miss Arthur is our Teaching Assistant

We are a great team and love our learning!


In History our departure day saw us drawing and then making clay scarab beetles and designing Egyptian masks.

We loved our PE session with Mr Colley. We are developing our football skills this half term.

Autumn Term 2024

Departure Days!

To get our learning off to an exciting start we have enjoyed some departure days in Class 2. 

In Science we explored Dark as the absence of light by using dark boxes. It was impossible to see what Mrs Ward had hidden in the boxes until we were allowed to put a little hole in to let in some light. 

Summer Term 2024

Please explore our Curriculum Overview to see what exciting things we are learning each half term. You can also acces Class 2's homework project for this half term as well as the key vocabulary that the children will be using in their learning.

Beekeeper Visit

The whole school were so lucky to have a visit from William, a local beekeeper. This has been a wonderful addition to our curriculum, supporting our learning in science about plants and pollination as well as linking beautifully to our school Summer production of The Bee Muscial!

Here are some photos from Class 2's session finding out about bees.

Art and Other Faiths

Across the school we have been learning about other faiths through art. In Class 2 we have been learning about Sikhism. We learnt about the life of Guru Nanek and the lessons he taught Sikhs about how to live. We created this beautiful display of our work.


Spring Term 2024


New School Rules!

In school we have worked with the children to develop some new school rules. The children in Class 2 and 3 worked together to create fun board games to help the younger children in school learn what they might look like in action. They had lots of fun trying them out. 

History News!

In history we are finding out how lives have changed. We are particulaly focussing on the Victorian Era. We used a range of sources to find out how the lives of rich and poor people were different during this time. We created some 'news bulletins' to show what we had found out. We hope you enjoy them and learn some interesting facts!



This week we have also looked at the recipe for a soup that poor people in Victorian times might have eaten. We prepared it together and were surprised by how delicious it was!

Autumn Term 2023

Please explore our Curriculum Overview to see what exciting things we are learning each half term. You can also acces Class 2's homework project for this half term as well as the key vocabulary that the children will be using in their learning.

In our RE lessons we have been learning about what different religions believe about God and how they show their faith. 

As part of this we thought about the big question, "Where is God?"

We recorded our thoughts through poetry and artwork. It has made a lovely display in our classroom.

In Design and Technology Class 2 have been exploring wheels and axles. As part of this work we have designed and built cars and are now busy on our large scale project- A moving ferris wheel!!

Here are some pictures of our work so far. We will keep you updated!!

Summer Term 2023

Please explore our Curriculum Overview to see what exciting things we are learning each half term. You can also acces Class 2's homework project for this half term as well as the key vocabulary that the children will be using in their learning.

Spring Term 2023

Please explore our Curriculum Overview to see what exciting things we are learning each half term. You can also acces Class 2's homework project for this half term as well as the key vocabulary that the children will be using in their learning.

Here are some of the exciting things we have been doing this term.

In Design and Technology we have been learning about structures and stability. We researched what gave structures stability and tested out a range of ideas. We then used what we had found out to help us design and build our own chairs. The brief was it needed to be strong enough to hold a small teddy, (and could only be made from paper!) but we were so good at it we ended up testing it with weights. Some held 700g!

We had a wonderful Hindu experience day! Sunita came into our school to share with us the story of Diwali, help us create some wonderful rangoli patterns and to teach us some amazing dance moves. It was a great day, lots of fun and we learned a lot! 

In RE we have been thinking about how personal reflection can help us. We created wax lillies with our reflections on and floated them on the pool. Mrs Ward was very impressed with the grown- up way we approached this. Our reflections included our hopes for the futures, our worries and things we are thankful for. Class 2 showed they are all excellent listeners and value each others thoughts and ideas. They showed respect and kindness to each other.

Autumn Term 2022

Please explore our Curriculum Overview to see what exciting things we are learning each half term. You can also acces Class 2's homework project for this half term as well as the key vocabulary that the children will be using in their learning.

York Minster Trip

As part of our work in RE we are learning about different places of worship. We visited York Minster so we could experience a large place of worship and compare it to our local church of St Andrew's. The children were amazed and in awe of the size and 'fanciness' and loved exploring The Crypt and the museum that showed how the Minster has changed over time.


Class 2 love working with Mr Crooks from Sporting Influence! We have been working on invasion games, using tactics to avoid being caught. Mr Crooks helps us develop the language we need to describe what are bodies are doing and to explain the skills we are showing. We also work on our social skills during this time with rewards for respect, communication, teamwork and resilience. 

In guided reading Class 2 have been exploring the poetry book 'The Lost Spells' by Robert Macfarlane and Jackie Morris. We have worked hard analysising the book and took on the Jackdaw Challenge! This was a challenge to learn the poem off by heart and perform it. We did It!! PLease watch below. 


Class 2 - Summer 2022


Autumn Term 2022

Please explore our Curriculum Overview to see what exciting things we are learning each half term. You can also acces Class 2's homework project for this half term as well as the key vocabulary that the children will be using in their learning.


Halow Carr Gardens Trip

We visited Harlow Carr Gardens to support our work in science this term. We spent time closely observing different plants and their features, investigated the kitchen garden to see what food is grown in our country at this time of year and of course made time for a play on the park!

The children, as always, were excellent ambassadors for our school, displaying excellent behaviour and engagement in the activities as you can see from the snapshot of our day below. 

Some amazing homework challenges completed. I have had some wonderful European landmarks made from all sorts of things! Cressie also tasted food from all over Europe and reported back on them!

What a lovely way to kick start our Easter holidays! Jack brought in his pet lamb that he has been helping to look after at home.


Religious Education

As part of our work on what it means to be a Christian today we spent some time with Father Paul in St Andrew's Church. He took the time to explain the impartance of Holy Communion to Christians and how this is shared in church. Have a look at our photos that show our learning. We have used our knew knowledge to create a loveky disply in our classroom. 


We have started developing our gymnastic skills with Mr Whitford from Sporting Influence. We began by working on the extension of our limbs during travelling and making shapes. We then moved onto adding the shapes into jumps. Mr Whitford was really impressed with our focussed working and could see improvements in our control and extension even after a short time. We are looking forward to building up to using the large wall climbing equipment. 


Henry VIII Portraits.

As part of our work in History we have been learning about Henry VIII. We have looked at different portraits and discussed what information they give us about the King. We then had a go at creating our own. They are amazing! Please have a look at our Henry VIII art gallery below.

Autumn Term 2021


In PE this term we have been working with Mr Whitford from Sporting Influence. Linked to our science topic of Humans including Animals we have been developing our fitness skills and thinking about how exercise effects our bodies. We have done circuit work, measuring how our heart rate changes and challenging our own personal records in a range of fitness exercises. We have also enjoyed a wide range of games that develop our agility.






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